Emergency Dental Care For Children

When you have a dental emergency with your kids, do you know who to run to? Does your dentist offer pediatric dental emergency care and services? If not, what plan do you have, in case of an emergency? Not knowing what to do, is the worst experience during a crisis, that’s why it’s essential to know where to go and what to do. To know about emergency dental care visit DrDentistsSydneyCBD and arrange an appointment in case of emergency.

Nowadays dental injuries and emergencies, are common and is always distressing for both the kids and their parents. It is approximated that one-third of children have incurred a dental emergency. Explained below are some of the standard pediatric dental emergencies, and how to deal with them.

tooth fractures, tooth decay, tooth trauma.Toothaches

It’s common in children because it cuts across all ages. Cavities are mainly caused by tooth fractures, tooth decay, tooth trauma.
How to treat in case of an emergency- First begin by cleansing the affected area using warm water. Look for any impacted food and get rid of it. After that apply ice to the affected area, this will help to swell. If the pain persists, seek medical advice from a pediatric dentist.

Teeth knocked out (avulsion)

In case your kid’s tooth is knocked out accidentally, look for the tooth and rinse it with water without any detergent, and be keen only to touch the crown of the tooth. Then put the tooth in a clean container with milk. Then contact your emergency dentist immediately and have an appointment.

Broken or fractured Jaw

If you find out that your child has sustained a broken jaw, First use ice to reduce the swelling before you call the dentist to encourage your child not to move the jaw. If your kid is still young, then consider tying a scarf around the head and jaw, this will help to prevent jaw movement.

Injured lip and tongue

If your child’s mouth or tongue is bleeding because of an accidental bite, then apply direct pressure to the affected area using a sterilized cloth, apply ice to minimize swelling. If the bleeding persists then your dentist.

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